Income Recycling

Picking for extra income
Discarded metal car parts

Millions of tonnes of metal are recycled around the world every year, helping decrease the growth of primary production and reducing the potential for environmental impacts. As most people already know, recycling anything is an excellent way to prevent mother nature from deteriorating further.

For pickers, scrap metal recycling is also a highly profitable endeavor that goes under the radar for most other people. Depending on where you are in the country, scrap metal can be worth a lot of money when you recycle it.

Why Scrap Metal?

Scrap metal is first and foremost scrap, which means it is useless to people and they are more than happy if you can take it off their hands. No one wants a bunch of useless metal junk lying around their property.

Sadly, most people will not recycle scrap metal even knowing that there is some value in doing so.

What Is the Pricing?

Here are the different prices of recycling some scrap metals:

  • Copper – Up to $2.85/pound
  • Iron – Up to $0.5/pound
  • Brass – Up to $1.5/pound
  • Aluminum – Up to $1/pound

As mentioned earlier, the pricing differs depending on where you are in the country. Scrap metal recycling typically holds more value near both the coasts than in the Midwest.

Extra Source of Income

Recycling scrap metal can be an extra source of income for anyone who is willing to take it away from others. You will literally get paid for simply moving the scrap metal around. If you own a small pickup truck or a trailer, you can start offering your removal services online.

Websites and social media platforms like Craigslist and Facebook are a great place to start offering your scrap metal removal services. Not only can you make money by recycling but you can also charge more for removing the scrap metal from customers’ properties.

What We Do

At ‘How to Become a Picker’, we are connoisseurs in the art of picking and promote the picking lifestyle among others who enjoy picking, collecting and reselling for profits. We have grown our company into a 6-figure business from scratch and help others learn the art of picking for profits.

For more information on scrap metal recycling and picking, please visit our website today.

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